Today the Christal Temple community
celebrated its Divine Communion
in the Back Temple Kitchen
and then de-commissioned the Temple
and restored it to an art studio
for Val Hearder and her art
It was a very moving ceremony
celebrating over 3½ years of our
rituals and transformational meetings
as well as our facilitations and "therapies."
It was a confirmation of the power of
tantric embodiment in the power of the
Holy Spirit in ways beyond our human comprehension
and yet touching us with empowered strength.
This was the prayer with which
we finished our ritual ...
for this
which we have used
in Divine order for
and as a place of
We now hand it back to you in
Deep Gratitude
and we pray
Enhanced Abundance
Inspired Creativity
over Val’s Art
Thank you Val and Varyan for your visionand for welcoming us with such ecstatic joy.We are now moving on to new places and new callings, empowered by the Spirit.Part of our expansion is to do withthe re-connection of the Goddess with theprevalent western modern concept of God,affirming the deep knowing inherent in the bodyso wonderfully fashioned of God for ourwisdom, understanding, enjoyment and sustenance.Crete is the island in the Mediterraneanwhere the goddess culture lived longestbefore the present male-yang culture took over.We will be undertaking a pilgrimage there,and this you will be able to read about onJohn's new European blog. I invite you to join us in spiritor to contact us so as to bepart of this new adventure.Nova Scotia will remain as a place whereour transformations and rituals take place.But, for a while, we will be concentratingon new pilgrimages in the crucible whereour modern civilization was formed -Greece.Please join us in prayer and on the inner planes.Thank you, Valfor all you have given us.Thank you, Christal Temple communityfor realizing the deepershamanic, gnostic, esoteric dream inEarth Joy and Ecstatic Reality.New ways of being part of our communityand joining our celebrations andtransformations on the internetare now being put in placeWelcome to join us.With loving blessingsJohn O