so many places,
we are tempted to make one thing
"right" or "better" by deciding that
other things are "wrong" or "worse."
After years and years of
western 3-dimensional thinking
where the spiritual had often become merely
a hobby at the side of "real reality" (ie physical)
the cry has gone up "We are more than this!"
and the predominant thought now for
the accredited modern spiritual guru is
"We are not a body."

In ancient Kabbalistic thought
there was a maxim that
when one believed one had arrived at Divine Truth,
one was deceiving oneself to the maximum.
Enlightenment was instead that space of
This sounds wonderful until one
begins to realize what living in the world
with no-knowing going on in one's head
would actually mean, practically!
On this webpage there is a video where
the man describes the hell of living
in a post-egoless state on Earth!
He describes his anger at being
"let down by God" - the God who
led him back into Earth-life after he had
experienced Oneness with the Divine!
In the Bible's first book, Genesis, there is
the often-repeated statement....
You cannot see God and live!
And yet, for many of us, seeing more and
more of God and living is the fulfillment
of a promise - Heaven on Earth - even of
some kind of Earthly immortality,
(whatever that may mean!)
In case I have lost you completely, here,
may I point you to this blog or
you can "google" Leonard Orr or
Rebirthing/Source Breathing.
But back to the main point....
if living on Earth is meant to be so devoid
of the earthly, then the questions pose themselves..
Why Earth in the first place? Why us?
Why Creation? Why manifestation?
The Fullness of Creation must surely demand
that everything created is necessary for its
balance and well-being, whether dense or
light, easy or difficult or anything else
between or beyond (or "somewhere else"!)
When we say "we are not a body," then
let us also say "we are a body!'
When we say "the Divine is within us"
let us also say "the Divine is outside us"
(and within-the-within and beyond-the-beyond
and not and absolutely and much more.)
This way we open ourselves to that Divine
not-knowing so that miracles can happen.
Boundless Ecstatic Living on Earth!
Now there's an idea!
John O
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