Saturday, September 12, 2009

Holy Cross Day at Christal Temple

This time in September
many of the Christian churches celebrate
feasts of the triumph of the cross, as in
The exaltation of the Holy Cross

In Zoroastrianism this is the time of
Ghambar Paitishem - when the creation of the Earth
is celebrated and the harvesting of crops.
The 15th is this year Laylat al-Qadr , an Islamic celebration
during which whoever prays to Allah receives
forgiveness for all and every sin ever committed!
And at the end of the week, Fri/Sat 18/19 Sept
Judaism celebrates Rosh Hashanah ראש השנה,
the first of the Ten Days of Awe, a time for
Repentance - returning to one's inner Purpose -
and being reunited with one's Divine Connection.

It is in this Spirit of Exalted Connection and Re-dedication
that we will at Christal Temple be celebrating a

Liturgy of Embodied Personal Renewal
Prayer-Dance, Spirit Healing, Inner Journeying
Divine Communion
giving thanks of Gratitude for our many blessings
and doing a ceremony of
Dedication of our Inner and Outer Journeys-to-come

We will be meeting on
Monday 14th September
in the
Back Temple Kitchen
at 7pm

Please come with a prayerful intention
for your own healed and renewed life
and with prayers for those who have asked.

Join us in person
or on the Inner Planes


John O

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