This is an old post with information about Christal Temple's Monday Night Celebrations and Children's/Family Gatherings. While I've been away in Europe (Fall 2009) there have been no formal gatherings here.
As of January 2010, we are discussing how and when to resume our gatherings.
(in the lineages of Yeshua and Mirjam
and the Peruvian Q'ero)
Usually on Mondays (see dates below)
at 7pm
- Mahone Bay -
(and sometimes in Maplewood's
Sunshine Farm Community)
Sacred circle, shamanic drum-journey,
healing prayer and multifaith Gnostic communion
(with incense.)
Two Christal Temple celebrations in June
and one in July...
- in honour of the Divine Feminine -
(place to be announced.)
Please join us in person
or on the inner planes.
John O
For information/details see this blog
send an email message
or phone 902 624 0100
At our Christal Temple celebration rituals we
- enclose ourselves in Sacred Space
- read and/or talk about and connect to any
important spiritual/religious festival/gathering that is taking place
- do a drumming/journeying ritual
- pray for ourselves and one another
- share blest bread and wine together
in the esoteric tradition of
Hieros Gamos, the Sacred Marriage
There is opportunity to share personal experience.
Please come with a sacred intention for your life.
Through the Magdalen and the Q'ero
we are assisted in being able to heal the
misconception of the Heaven-Earth Divide,
and come home to a
Divine Self embraced by Creator Spirit
at all levels of our lives.
Christal Temple
Divine Ascension
(in the lineages of Yeshua and Mirjam
and the Peruvian Q'ero)
Usually on Mondays (see dates below)
at 7pm
- Mahone Bay -
(and sometimes in Maplewood's
Sunshine Farm Community)
Sacred circle, shamanic drum-journey,
healing prayer and multifaith Gnostic communion
(with incense.)
Two Christal Temple celebrations in June
and one in July...
Monday 8th June 7pm
- Back Temple Kitchen -
Mahone Bay
- a celebration of Holy Spirit and living as the Body of Christ Consciousness
(our Christal Temple version of Corpus Christi)
- Shamanic Journeying, healing, divine adoration and Divine Communion
Saturday 20th June 3pm
- Family Celebration for Summer Solstice -
- a summer celebration with journeying and praying,Wednesday 22nd July (Mary Magdalen's Day) at 7pm
ritual games and the sharing of cake.
- in honour of the Divine Feminine -
(place to be announced.)
- a gnostic, shamanic communion celebration of
Hieros Gamos - the Sacred Marriage
Please join us in person
or on the inner planes.
John O
For information/details see this blog
send an email message
or phone 902 624 0100
At our Christal Temple celebration rituals we
- enclose ourselves in Sacred Space
- read and/or talk about and connect to any
important spiritual/religious festival/gathering that is taking place
- do a drumming/journeying ritual
- pray for ourselves and one another
- share blest bread and wine together
in the esoteric tradition of
Hieros Gamos, the Sacred Marriage
There is opportunity to share personal experience.
Please come with a sacred intention for your life.
Through the Magdalen and the Q'ero
we are assisted in being able to heal the
misconception of the Heaven-Earth Divide,
and come home to a
Divine Self embraced by Creator Spirit
at all levels of our lives.
Christal Temple