Wednesday, September 21, 2011

GoddleFub and a tiny green planet on the edge of an amazing galaxy

Once upon a time
GoddleFub looked down from the Heavens
at a tiny green planet on the very outskirts
of Galaxy MIC666HelStar7LO
and decided it was time for an experiment.
The people of the tiny green planet
were becoming very sure of their own magnificence
(which, GoddleFub thought, was a "GOOD" thing)
but they were losing that connection to
"important pastimes which give Life meaning"
(which, GoddleFub felt, would be detrimental
the the planet's further development.)

So GoddleFub gave inspiriation to some planetlings
on one of the larger continents,
who came up with an idea for helping
people connect with each other
by pressing black things on a metal board
which most of the planetlings now had in their homes.

Not exactly Michaelangelo's Creation of Adam, Simpsons-style
GoddleFub's experiment was this...
first to make it seem as though the metal-board connectors
(we'll call them MBC's, for convenience's sake)
were an amazing answer to deep-held yearnings
which the planetlings felt they had....
so that nearly every planetling made sure
that they got one.. (some even had several!)

GoddleFub then inspired a couple of planetlings
on the same continent to start a club -
using the MBC's which nearly all now had.
How the planetlings flocked -
especially since the club was free to join for all.

GoddleFub waited until the planetlings had forgotten
what life had been like without the MBC's and the club.......
now it seemed to them as though the club was the deepest experience
one could have as a planetling.

GoddleFub's next move was ingenious,
as befitting an extraordinary High-Powered Being (HPB)
- GoddleFub put the idea into the club's creators
to keep changing the club, and what the club looked like
when the planetlings touched their MBC's,
so each time they were just getting used to a pattern
the creators changed everything drastically.

Finally, HPB GoddleFub moved the club's creators
to turn the whole club inside out,
the look of it, what it did, everything.

Well, you can hardly imagine...
there was general howl of agony and rage and frustration....
I mean, how DARE the club's creators
do something so unfair?

GoddleFub was sad.

Because the experiment was to show that
GoddleFub wasn't the only HPB -
that on the green planet on the very outskirts
of Galaxy MIC666HelStar7LO
there might in fact be real HPB's too,
perhaps not fully-fledged, but nonetheless
HPB's in the making -
God-like creatures who would, in general,
be able to see which things had galactic importance
and which things did not.
And now GoddleFub knew it would be a long time
before there were any real HPB's there
on THAT tiny green planet.

So GoddleFub turned attention to another galaxy,
to another, rather similar planet on the very outskirts
of an amazing galaxy with a huge cloud of stars
some of these planetlings called "the Milky Way."

GoddleFub repeated the experiment.

It was nearly the same.
The MCB's had a special name and there were
funny small metal things which the planetlings
held up to their hearing-apparatus to speak
to each other..
GoodleFub was pretty sure this time.
"When the club starts and everyone joins
and then when it all goes wrong,
they'll all just leave without a worry.
And THAT will prove to me that
I'm not the only HPB for Universes around!"

And sure enough, there came the moment when
the club and the machines were all-at-odds....

... and the planetlings on that other tiny green planet
on the outskirts of the Milky Way galaxy
just .....

(to be continued...... maybe....)