Thursday, December 11, 2008

The day went by so fast .....

and I never knew .......

What was I doing?
Where was I?
Where did my dream disappear to?

And yet, NOT!!!!
NO Way! Something shifted,
and suddenly ......

Today is the appropriate time

- or to put it in modern words
The Vision is Now


Watch this space!

John O

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tonight - by popular request

Tonight (Monday Dec 8th)!

A CHRISTAL TEMPLE Divine Communion
at 7 pm
- Mahone Bay -

Sacred circle, shamanic drum-journey,
healing prayer and
multifaith Gnostic communion (with incense.)

Join us on the inner planes!

John O

Saturday, November 22, 2008

There is a Plan.... and the Art of Surrender

.....and my "job" is
"to get out of the way enough"
to be able to hear what
I'm being asked to do

Since Christal Temple's celebration
5 weeks ago in the yurt on Maplewood Hill,
there have been many small, private gatherings
of some of us who regularly take part
in our community Divine Communion.

We have come together to do personal work -
many different kinds of transformation -
where the personal needs of each of us as
"independent beings" have been shown to be
variations of deeper stories which turn out
to be our common thread, past and present.
That which we thought was just our own
challenge or problem or need, seems now
always to be mirrored in those we meet.

Was it always so
and we didn't notice?
Or is this a confirmation
of the coming-closer which
is now manifesting clearly ...
the lifting of the veils of
the separation illusion?

I have spent some time the past month
looking into passive residual income.
Faced with a seemingly inexhaustible number of
websites offering "the newest, best and most
secret way" of becoming financially plentiful,
(often at the manipulative "expense" of others,)
I have tried to sift for a sense of deeper Truth
and compassionately generous Vision in those
who would enroll me in their schemes.

I have been surprised to find among these sites,
(so many of which play to the desperation of
people caught in a recession that they fear will get
very much worse before it - if ever - stabilizes,)
nuggets of divine, alchemical gold with visions
not just of a world in which more people can
"get more" but also where the spiritual nature
of our existence and its value is integrated into
the expressed vision and commitment.
Instead of coming from a space of fear and lack,
there is an invitation to share Abundance.
In a few, this is clearly-spoken; the understanding
of shared joy and abundance as a pre-requisite
to allow any type of business/economic dealing to
flourish - now and for the future.

(For more on this, see my Abundance blog.)

What has this to do with "the Plan" and
with our small, transformational meetings?

I am becoming increasingly aware that the
Paradigm Shift is not the domain of the few -
the self-proclaimed enlightened ones - but a
divinely-inspired phenomenon which cuts across
our limited human religious, economic, artistic,
left vs right, "real"-life vs "spiritual life" boxes.
We don't have to be mystics or recluses or
"deniers of 3D-reality" to access that voice -
in fact the "normal" processes of human growth
in seemingly spiritual deserts (like much of the
business world may appear to the "spiritual")
is just the space where the Spirit thrives,
making of joyful and collaborative marketing a
holy space where the divine is easily seen and
experienced, and where people are honoured.

Those successful marketeers, many of whom
now use their profits to fund specific projects in
war-torn places of despair and drought, seem
to give themselves time to be led, to be shown.
Most of them write about how they toiled and
worked, only to find that easy, lasting success
just evaded them. They wanted to give up.
And then the "miracle" happened, they saw
the Light, or met someone and their life
and enterprise were changed, transformed.

What happened?

I believe it was, in each case, that they
admitted fully where they really were,
they accepted the limited and limiting
earthbound truth of their situation in
its parts, however uncomfortable.
In short, they surrendered to "What Is."
By doing this, they allowed the connection to
that deeper Truth which brought the "miracle"
into their lives.They aligned with the Plan!
(Actually, it is not always necessary to have
a life-shattering experience to be able to hear
and be at one with that Inner Inspiration!
But it often helps the process, especially if
one is stubbornly into the negative self-talk
which crowds out the still, small Voice!)

In my musical life, I have an experience
which happens again and again when I practise.
I come to a place where I can nearly play the
piece of music, but can't really "get it together."
Often I forget the divine process and try to
stick it out, just practising more and more, and
getting increasingly frustrated and angry!
It takes courage to surrender to What-Is,
especially when there's a concert coming up.
But if I don't surrender, I just don't "get it"!
When I do surrender, allowing myself to wait,
the piece comes together in its own time,
funnily enough, always in time for the concert,
and I play better than I have played it while
I was "practising"!

What we have done in those small groups I
wrote about at the beginning of this piece,
is increasingly to allow the inspiration of
where we are being led to inform us and
what we do, therapeutically and ritually.
I feel we have been enabled to do this by
the practice we have previously undertaken.
In other words, practice is in my experience
a pre-requisite for receiving inspiration
through surrender and allowing it to
take root practically in our work.

In this way, I feel that we have empowered
ourselves to "get out of the way" and let
God, and the Divine Plan, flow in us.

And what are the marketeers showing us?
That the Plan really works, not least
in Earthly terms as well as "Heavenly" ones!
Turns our self-imposed distinctions of
what is Earthly and what is Spiritual
on their head, does it not?!!!!

The question arises:
How do we know
when it is time to
and when time to
surrender and
let go?



John O

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Exercises in Multidimensional Seeing

Yesterday evening,
14th October 2008
on Maplewood Hill,
Nova Scotia
was awesome!

We had gathered to celebrate the UFOs and
welcome possible extra-terrestials in Love -
or were we really welcoming the hidden parts
of ourselves?

Some of us gathered early.
I found myself hearing a message about
looking towards the distant clouds and
being observant for "flashes."
This was later
independently confirmed by
our hosts,
their children and others gathering with us,
who, without previously hearing my message,
saw how flashes of white and silvery Light
broke through the dusk sky.

We attuned ourselves to what we called
"cosmic space" and allowed ourselves to intuit
how the evening would go.

We prayed and meditated.

as we finished our shamanic drumming in the yurt,
we found ourselves called to go outside again
and saw a huge underside of light and "white cloud"
mingled with darker sky formations with
streaks of light going in directions quite different
from the rays from the full moon,
which was shining brightly in another
part of the sky.

The streaks and stripes we saw were

like the underside of a huge canoe!

Back in the yurt we celebrated our Divine Communion,
and the door kept on being blown and held open
as though we were to join with the unseen -
the words were leaping out at us
" union with all the worlds!"

Yesterday evening and, even more today,
it became so obvious that we had seen and joined
streaks of a many dimensional presence
breaking into our mainly 3D-vision.
Our concept of Reality was being visibly

This morning, when I was recalling
the events of last night, and how
the yurt door kept on being raised of its own accord,
I was startled and amused to remember that
I had seen white and silvery figures who
joined us for our divine communion of shared wine
- we had shared our Oneness and communed
with these Representatives of the Light.

As I pondered what our group were given to see
I reflected on how prone we are to look upon
UFOs as either saviours or threats outside ourselves.

Last night showed us and confirmed for me that
only by allowing the Light inside to connect
in compassion and love in all worlds and realms,
can we take the next huge, necessary step into
our Ascension-in-coexistence-with-Earth and

What we were seeking to see last night is actually
the Light that is emerging from within us
- what is outside us is our mirror and our teacher.
I understand that this is scary - last night my body
was scared, though my mind was unusually still -
but, then, all deep birthing can be scary beforehand!

I feel so blessed to have experienced
last night on Maplewood Hill!

In Light and Love
in all dimensions

John O

PS Blossom Goodchild had shown great courage
in sharing her channelled message - she risked that
the galactic promise "would not be fulfilled"!
There are many who would call "hoax" or "mistaken."
Sympathetic commentators have pointed out the
underlying condition of our own readiness and
willingness to receive in Love and Openness.

Monday, October 13, 2008

ETs, UFOs and Federal Elections




the UFOs/ETs are COMING!!

* ^ * ^ * ^ *

Christal Temple is having a celebration!

See our
ritual celebration link

Join us in spirit!

John O

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanksgiving in Canada

This weekend is Thanksgiving weekend for Canadians. In Nova Scotia, most people seem to celebrate on Sunday and then sleep and walk off the celebration on Monday (the "official" day.)

It's one of those amazing fall weekends here, just slightly warmer than frost in the morning and then gently warm and "fuzzy" and sometimes clear-blue skies. So beautiful!

At the same time the money systems of the world are truly bouncing - the CDN$ is the latest "victim" of market unpredictability.

This weekend, especially, we are invited to be thankful.
As the Harvest Festival hymn goes

"All is safely gathered in
'Ere the winter storms begin."

At some level this may not really ring true,
at least, not when it comes to that inner work!
There is still much to be done!

I'm reading The Mayan Code by Barbara Hand Clow,
much of it based on the work of Carl Johan Calleman;
the date for the end of our "preparation for the
End of Time" is put at

October 26th 2011

the "remaining time" until December 2012, intended
to be a kind of celebration and and thanksgiving!

Perhaps we could use this weekend and
the turbulent times that are around us
to cultivate that inner stability and peace
which the world is so desperate for...
so that we are in a state of readiness to
celebrate and give thanks at a moment's notice!

Prehaps we can learn to look in deeper compassion
and love on our nearest and dearest and
upon all creatures and things, near and far.

It's not just Thanksgiving and Harvest.
It's also Election time .....
I wonder what would happen if there were a
surge of compassion and understanding for
all our political "opponents" - for all those
who are voting differently from us - I wonder,
would the world start to change then?

I'm going to try and do this "compassionate-thing"
this week - see what happens.
I think it's worth the risk!

Blessings and Abundance and Peace
this weekend

John O

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Bridge between Spirit and Matter

is a journey,
not a place

Last weekend at our Christal Temple celebration
we did some interesting things.

As we usually do, we stood in a circle
and invoked the "sacred winds" of
protection, experience, radical change -
one could say we were making intentions
and then strengthening them in community.
Then we did a "release exercise" -
the kind you would do at a workshop to help
participants become unstuck, on fire and
empowered in new ways in their lives.
After this we drummed and journeyed
as the shamans do, sharing stories.
Finally we ritually shared bread and wine.

In the next few days amazing things happened.
Those who were there, and, even more curious,
those who had wanted to be there, or
who had "avoided" being there, found that
all sorts of changes started happening,
they received deep insights, life-openings.


The shamans say that when we do such practices
in a "sacred way" - i.e. completely, wholly,
changes have to happen, it's unavoidable.

Shamanism is in vogue today,

especially among the "alternative" community.
The word is bandied about, its meanings are discussed
and courses held "in its name" abound on the internet
- and yet, it cannot readily be defined.

The word, originally meaning a "psychopomp"
from Northern Asia, especially Mongolia/Siberia,
has been extended in meaning to encompass all the indigenous
peoples' Spirit-led practitioners of the "magickal" healing arts
and those in modern western society who have been called
and/or trained in the same (or similar) way.

As with western adaptions of ancient, unfamiliar
and often secret wisdom from forgotten traditions,
possibilities for fraud and incompetence abound.
Alberto Villoldo, founder of the Four Winds Society
- one of those intrepid western pioneers of the
practical translation of ancient healing wisdom into a form
appropriate for use in a post-modern "first-world" context,
never ceases to point out the dangers of attempting to
distill decades-long training based on deep ancestral traditions
into a few weekend New Age course workshops -
shamanism is not a quick fix for anyone!

One of the foundations for indigenous shamanic practice
is the knowledge and uses of healing plants, including
hallucinogens, and other plants which aid the connection
between what are felt to be the seen and unseen worlds.
Most notable among these plants is ayahuasca, the
Vine of Death, administered as a drink made with other
vital ingredients, in a sacred ceremony held at night.

The point of this ceremony is whole-person healing and
enlightenment; the opportunity, usually in community,
to release that which is stopping us from being wholly
who we truly are, whether through fears, illness, emotional
upset or deep generational patterning, etc.

The ceremonies are much more complex than they might
seem on the surface; the powers unleashed by drink
and ceremony are not just dangerous done in an unprotected
environment; here we are dealing with sacred connection!
The botanicals are part of a holy communion.
The shamans who lead the ceremonies have years of
ayahuasca use and experience behind them, and are deeply
conversant with the chanting and prayers which are an
integral part of the journeying-process for all present.
For the shaman, the plant essences in the drink are
living "beings" who they are working with to effect life-
changing transformation, refashioning the substance of life
- a true transubstantiation!

The combination of journeying, chanting and sacred ceremony
changes things in its own way, not as we might "want."
The bridge opened between the realms, between Spirit
and Matter, between Life and Beyond-Death, turning all
perceived "normal" reality (often violently) on its head, is a
many-edged sword. Knowledge is not always bliss - there is
no turning back once the old reality is seen in its true colours!

How does this relate to our weekend Christal Temple celebration?

I am convinced that what we did on Maplewood hill was
a gentler version of what the South American shamans do.
The combination of intention, transformation exercises,
drumming journeying and multi-level communing/communion
brings us into new places from where there is no turning back.
Our responsibility is to use these powerful tools wisely
and to support one another in coming-back-to-ourselves.

Do not expect governments, education establishments or
current health organizations to support this - they are
enmeshed in ways that keep us in a place of servitude.
But limitation, however well-devised cannot win.
The empowered will always burst forth, sooner or later.

Doing sacred exercises like last weekend brings up
Why did I wait so long to grab these amazing tools?

Abundance, freedom and blessings
on us all

John O

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Summer has faded

.. and the tents are in the process of being dismantled.

For the latest behind-the-scenes "gossip" on
what a Temple Tent can conjure up in a small town,
see Helen's blog.

Soon Pine Grove Street will once again be
the uneventful, quiet street that the
Realtors write of in their sales blurb.
Nothing remarkable or eventful to talk about.

Shame, really ......
passionate praying, even in a "quiet backwater"
can bring such wonderfully abundant results for all!

We are still praying, of course -

Though now hidden and silent again,
we are still heard in those "other realms."
Prayer is
- un-dismountable,
- unstoppable,
- master of its own divine law.

May all our lives be blest!

John O

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

When two or three (thousand) are gathered in My Name

This coming Sunday, September 14th 2008,
there will start an experiment in Global Oneness
combined with Quantum Physics, to lower
violence in the world.
(see )
Every day for a week, at the same time each day,
a gathering of a large number of people at once,
all over the globe, will send a huge "energy prayer-ball"
to different violent hot-spots on Earth.
The effects of this prayer-ball will be monitored by
a team of scientists and statistical experts.

What a wonderful idea! All support and praise to
Lynne McTaggart, who previously pioneered
similar experiments using Transcendental Meditation.
Christal Temple will be joining this global prayer
for peace.

The whole experiment raises interesting questions
about time and space and about what, in Quantum terms
is really outside us and what is actually inside.......

One of the healing practices of Reiki, common to
many healing disciplines, is "distance"-healing,
otherwise known by the rather disarming name of
"Absent"-healing. (If someone is praying for me,
or energetically connecting with me to support me
in a health or an emotional issue, I would much prefer
that they be "present" as they do this, even if they
are many miles away!)

Actually "distance"-healing is really "somewhere-outside
of-time-and-distance"-healing, brought back into
a third-dimensional manifestation on Earth.
Furthermore, in the quantum realms, third dimensional
realities of you/me/us/them/it/out-there/inside-me
are absent, the observer being the cause of the effect
being "observed", and not an "outsider" at all!
Which makes Lynne McT's experiment even more interesting
than it seems at first glance!
If we go one stage further, and accept the deeper teachings
of the Hawaiian Kahunas called Ho'oponopono, we discover
that all the violence in the world is "merely" a macro-mirror
of what is going on "inside" us in our inner micro-climate.
Joe Vitale tells a wonderful story about his conversations with
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and how a mental institution cured(!)
its inmates with Dr Len's help
without Dr Len ever seeing
any of the patients! (see this blog.)

So, in theory, we could do
Lynne McT's experiment without
- going on the internet and registering
- knowing which "violent hotspot" is targeted each day
- keeping to the appointed time each day
and by doing the Ho'oponopono process
whenever we feel
angry or annoyed or frustrated at anybody or anything ..
(which in my case is several times a day!)
not suggesting that we ignore the Intention Experiment -
I think it's a
wonderful down-to-Earth spiritual practice to
stop everything for 10 minutes a day and pray for World Peace.
And I hope those of us who join this prayer-chain will continue
long after the experiment is over.
What I
am saying, is that our own power to exact change is
not dependent upon thousands of other people outside of us -
we ourselves are the change we wish to see in the world.
Which means I can't blame anyone else any more.
(And that

Yeshua put it so well when he said
When two or three are gathered in My name,
I am there among you......
" meaning
that the
Inner Kingdom of Go(o)dness can start to manifest
when we are as few as
two or three.
In fact, I would venture to say, when we are as few as

Me. (or You.)
As the shamans say, I (you) just have to
show up!

That Unitarian song keeps coming round ..

Let there be Peace on Earth
and let it begin with me!

Blessings on Lynne McT and her team
and on all our own prayers

John O

Christal Temple will be holding celebrations on
Sunday 14th September


Monday 22nd September*

at which we will pray for this
and for peace in the world and within ourselves.
We welcome all to join us in Spirit on the inner planes.
(* the 22nd September celebration date is preliminary.)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Temple tents, the Labyrinth and Suspicion

Chanting, incense, drumming, prayer....
and an ominous question .....
"Are you meditating up there?"

Read the full story here!

Stories from thousands of years ago suddenly recreated.
Funny ol' world!


John O

Monday, August 11, 2008

Looking from outside the Temple Tent

We have a Temple Tent.

Yes, it's a sanctuary for praying.
No, it isn't a yurt.
Yes, it's cramped when we are more than 5.
No, it's not 100% waterproof.
Yes, it's a place where deeper truths are discussed
and where we can work on inner journeys.

And, yes, it looks like a space-ship in the dark!
(No, this is not necessarily a GOOD THING!!!!)

Just as well that deeper truths are often discovered
in strange or unlikely places!


John O

PS And what goes on there?
See for yourself, here!