Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday Liturgy at Christal Temple

Christal Temple Divine Communion
will be again be celebrated

Monday 30th March
at the usual time of
in the Back Temple Kitchen

As usual, we will gather in intention and joy
to hold those we love in prayer,
especially those who are ill or injured;
we will drum a shamanic journey into
the depths of passion*, compassion and
the Divine Purpose which we are called into,
and we will share blest Bread and Wine
with one another, as a token of
our Oneness with each other and with
every part of Creation.

As you will have seen from the website
Monday's Divine Communion is the last of
this regular winter series -
Easter is nearly here (April 12th)
and it is time for our community
to talk about how (and where) we
wish to meet in the coming warmer months.

For those on the email list
there will be an email, inviting ideas
and thoughts on our meetings.
You can also post comments here below.

I look forward to seeing you on Monday,
either in person, or on the
Inner planes.

Every blessing


*In the older western Christian liturgical calendar
Sunday 29th March is Passion Sunday when
the Passion and Purpose of Christ comes into focus.
Not even the knowledge of forthcoming death
would he let stand in the way of what he knew
he was to do. And yet we are called to transform
suffering and pain into Joy, so that the
New World may come into being. For us,
will and does this involve any kind of crucifixion?
This is the journey we will make on Monday.