Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Exercises in Multidimensional Seeing

Yesterday evening,
14th October 2008
on Maplewood Hill,
Nova Scotia
was awesome!

We had gathered to celebrate the UFOs and
welcome possible extra-terrestials in Love -
or were we really welcoming the hidden parts
of ourselves?

Some of us gathered early.
I found myself hearing a message about
looking towards the distant clouds and
being observant for "flashes."
This was later
independently confirmed by
our hosts,
their children and others gathering with us,
who, without previously hearing my message,
saw how flashes of white and silvery Light
broke through the dusk sky.

We attuned ourselves to what we called
"cosmic space" and allowed ourselves to intuit
how the evening would go.

We prayed and meditated.

as we finished our shamanic drumming in the yurt,
we found ourselves called to go outside again
and saw a huge underside of light and "white cloud"
mingled with darker sky formations with
streaks of light going in directions quite different
from the rays from the full moon,
which was shining brightly in another
part of the sky.

The streaks and stripes we saw were

like the underside of a huge canoe!

Back in the yurt we celebrated our Divine Communion,
and the door kept on being blown and held open
as though we were to join with the unseen -
the words were leaping out at us
" union with all the worlds!"

Yesterday evening and, even more today,
it became so obvious that we had seen and joined
streaks of a many dimensional presence
breaking into our mainly 3D-vision.
Our concept of Reality was being visibly

This morning, when I was recalling
the events of last night, and how
the yurt door kept on being raised of its own accord,
I was startled and amused to remember that
I had seen white and silvery figures who
joined us for our divine communion of shared wine
- we had shared our Oneness and communed
with these Representatives of the Light.

As I pondered what our group were given to see
I reflected on how prone we are to look upon
UFOs as either saviours or threats outside ourselves.

Last night showed us and confirmed for me that
only by allowing the Light inside to connect
in compassion and love in all worlds and realms,
can we take the next huge, necessary step into
our Ascension-in-coexistence-with-Earth and

What we were seeking to see last night is actually
the Light that is emerging from within us
- what is outside us is our mirror and our teacher.
I understand that this is scary - last night my body
was scared, though my mind was unusually still -
but, then, all deep birthing can be scary beforehand!

I feel so blessed to have experienced
last night on Maplewood Hill!

In Light and Love
in all dimensions

John O

PS Blossom Goodchild had shown great courage
in sharing her channelled message - she risked that
the galactic promise "would not be fulfilled"!
There are many who would call "hoax" or "mistaken."
Sympathetic commentators have pointed out the
underlying condition of our own readiness and
willingness to receive in Love and Openness.

Monday, October 13, 2008

ETs, UFOs and Federal Elections




the UFOs/ETs are COMING!!

* ^ * ^ * ^ *

Christal Temple is having a celebration!

See our
ritual celebration link

Join us in spirit!

John O

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanksgiving in Canada

This weekend is Thanksgiving weekend for Canadians. In Nova Scotia, most people seem to celebrate on Sunday and then sleep and walk off the celebration on Monday (the "official" day.)

It's one of those amazing fall weekends here, just slightly warmer than frost in the morning and then gently warm and "fuzzy" and sometimes clear-blue skies. So beautiful!

At the same time the money systems of the world are truly bouncing - the CDN$ is the latest "victim" of market unpredictability.

This weekend, especially, we are invited to be thankful.
As the Harvest Festival hymn goes

"All is safely gathered in
'Ere the winter storms begin."

At some level this may not really ring true,
at least, not when it comes to that inner work!
There is still much to be done!

I'm reading The Mayan Code by Barbara Hand Clow,
much of it based on the work of Carl Johan Calleman;
the date for the end of our "preparation for the
End of Time" is put at

October 26th 2011

the "remaining time" until December 2012, intended
to be a kind of celebration and and thanksgiving!

Perhaps we could use this weekend and
the turbulent times that are around us
to cultivate that inner stability and peace
which the world is so desperate for...
so that we are in a state of readiness to
celebrate and give thanks at a moment's notice!

Prehaps we can learn to look in deeper compassion
and love on our nearest and dearest and
upon all creatures and things, near and far.

It's not just Thanksgiving and Harvest.
It's also Election time .....
I wonder what would happen if there were a
surge of compassion and understanding for
all our political "opponents" - for all those
who are voting differently from us - I wonder,
would the world start to change then?

I'm going to try and do this "compassionate-thing"
this week - see what happens.
I think it's worth the risk!

Blessings and Abundance and Peace
this weekend

John O