many of the Christian churches celebrate
feasts of the triumph of the cross, as in
The exaltation of the Holy Cross
In Zoroastrianism this is the time of
Ghambar Paitishem - when the creation of the Earth
is celebrated and the harvesting of crops.
The 15th is this year Laylat al-Qadr , an Islamic celebration
during which whoever prays to Allah receives
forgiveness for all and every sin ever committed!
And at the end of the week, Fri/Sat 18/19 Sept
Judaism celebrates Rosh Hashanah ראש השנה,
the first of the Ten Days of Awe, a time for
Repentance - returning to one's inner Purpose -
and being reunited with one's Divine Connection.
It is in this Spirit of Exalted Connection and Re-dedication
that we will at Christal Temple be celebrating a
Liturgy of Embodied Personal Renewal
Prayer-Dance, Spirit Healing, Inner Journeying
Divine Communion
giving thanks of Gratitude for our many blessings
and doing a ceremony of
Dedication of our Inner and Outer Journeys-to-come
in the
Back Temple Kitchen
at 7pm
Prayer-Dance, Spirit Healing, Inner Journeying
Divine Communion
giving thanks of Gratitude for our many blessings
and doing a ceremony of
Dedication of our Inner and Outer Journeys-to-come
We will be meeting on
Monday 14th Septemberin the
Back Temple Kitchen
at 7pm
Please come with a prayerful intention
for your own healed and renewed life
and with prayers for those who have asked.
Join us in person
or on the Inner Planes
John O
for your own healed and renewed life
and with prayers for those who have asked.
Join us in person
or on the Inner Planes
John O