Thursday, January 29, 2009

Candlemass and Imbolc

Our next Christal Temple Celebration is on

Monday 2nd February

in the Back Temple Kitchen, Mahone Bay at 7pm.

Barring extreme snowstorms or completely impossible weather of another sort, we will celebrate this even if next Monday were to be a "snowday."

Our focus on Monday will be:

Bringing our Divine Light into the World

We will (weather permitting) have a short outdoor procession of Light during which we will chant and sing! Indoors we will share, journey and then celebrate our Multifaith Divine Communion. We will also connect in prayer to all other known sacred circles celebrating this Spring-in-winter festival of Light this weekend. Part of the ceremonies is the bringing of house-candles to be blest. Please bring some house-candles if you wish them to be blest in the ceremonies. They also represent the Light taken out into the world and into our homes.

Please bring
warm boots
a lantern (a candle in a covered square lantern, for example) or flashlight,
and a sacred intention for your life (and prayers for anyone you know who would benefit from them.)
A cushion is always good for sitting on.
Any house-candles you wish to be blest.

Candlemas(s) is a Christian celebration with Pagan roots - we light the St Brigid's Fire, the hearth in our homes and the representation of our Inner Fire - we look towards the still dormant Spring and make our intention to receive Divine Light and Warmth, re-empower our own Light with this, and make holy intention to live within this Light in the world.

If you are not able to join us physically, please pray with us from "afar" - this connection helps us all be One in the Spirit and to return this Earth and ourselves to the Paradise of Eden from whence we have journeyed.

In love and Joy

John O