As readers of this blog may know
Ascension Day (this year 13th May)
is one of my favourite days ..
It celebrates in Christian tradition
the lifting up - through the cloud into "Heaven" -
of the Risen Christ, 40 days after Resurrection.
The Ascension of Jesus (from Wikipedia)
Though this event in itself is full
of meaning and mystical experience,
there are also deeper, esoteric meanings
which I feel are important for
personal and global community transformation.
Among these are the parallels with the Microcosmic Orbit
- the inner which reflects the outer.
One of the most important aspects of Christianity
is God's incarnation (flesh-becoming) in Jesus.
This represents the Enfleshment of Absolute Divinity,
which, in the human experience of Jesus
eventually led to a horrific death, and,
in the words of the Apostles' Creed,
the after-death experience of the descent into Hell!
(Something for those scared by Christian fundamentalists
to take great comfort from!)
This descent into Hell is then transmuted into
Rebirth through Resurrection, and, eventually,
into the taking up of all aspects of human life
back into the "Heavenly realms" -
presumably with an amazing, cosmic party,
to celebrate the Homecoming of the Beloved,
and the re-connection, in all dimensions and
at all levels of all life, of divine energy everywhere!
The Microcosmic Orbit invites us to remember
in our own bodies the reality of connection,
and the absolute Reality of our resting in God
in everything which happens to us at every level
of experience!
Let us celebrate and enjoy this feast-day,
for it is a mirror of the way we are all woven together
in the vibration of God, down and up, all at once!
In love, gratitude and vibrating truth
John O