The Goddess of Christianity? Perhaps.
The one who Jesus confided in and the first to fully know him as risen?
Most probably.
An intended at-least-equal with James the Just, Peter and Paul in the early church?
Almost certainly.
Her festival was last Sunday, July 22nd.
Most churches passed her by, the Sunday-by-Sunday texts more important than daring to balance nearly 2000 years of supposed male religious "supremacy."
Here was a chance to re-establish in humility the Divine Feminine on the day, week-by-week the Christians celebrate Resurrection, the Re-empowerment of Human Beings.
By passing Mary Magdalen by, we lost an opportunity to be ourselves re-balanced and re-empowered by the most creative power upon the Earth, the feminine.
And "worst" of all for me ...
I'd forgotten Her day, the 22nd, until afterwards!
Two weeks ago, when we gathered to do the 2-hour meditation that the Hathors had told Tom Kenyon about, she came and was present with us. To re-balance and claim us for the greater Light.
For me, remembering this is a reminder to reclaim that Yin-creative self within, in a Yang-gone-mad-world - to be a part of the Divine Transformation of Earth, and to practice encompassing Love.
God knows, it is needed, now.
A few weeks ago, John the Baptist's day (June 24th) also fell on a Sunday. The radical Essene who demanded complete turn-around repentance. (They passed him by, too - is he over-the-top uncomfortable?) Maybe it's time for a dose of turnaround radical repentance - living Truth rather than fearful compromise. It would really help the balance, as well.
The "other" Mary, the "other" John.
Time to bring them out of the closet!
John O