Friday, March 20, 2009

Did you ever see an ULO?

Have you ever been to Nancy Burson's website?
And clicked on the IFO's video?

It's quite an experience!
I came across it the other day.
It wasn't the first time, but
I had forgotten since the last time.
I've been interested in the
orb-phenomena for a long while.
And crop circles seem to give me
inner wisdom which I can't quite decipher -
not consciously, anyway.

Today I realized I'd forgotten something
that I'd filmed one September afternoon in 2007.
I suddenly found myself awake from a
"lying meditation" and discovered these
Light patterns playing out above my eyes.
I rushed to get the camera and managed
to film the play of Light before it stopped.
When I watched the film again,
the EC videos on YouTube seemed to take on
new meaning.

I invite you to judge for yourself!


John O

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