Resonance Repatterner Liz Tobin
gave an extraordinary webinar yesterday evening
about how we can only heal our money dilemma
in co-operation with and compassion for
everyone else.
The good news is that through doing this
we have the chance to heal our own financial challenges
with very real, practical results in this physical world!
She talks about our hidden financial archetypes,
(see this page !) and,
at the end of the broadcast, links this to work on
I find her insights so deep, so wise.
The work she does in the group
I can feel the effects of in my BODY
long after the session is over.
These webinars/sessions change things for me -
I can manifest what I know so much more easily,
because my body is not giving me
sub-conscious (and often so strong) counter-orders!
If you enjoy body-work and heartily desire
the healing of your own financial situation
in aligment with the healing of mankind's
huge, financial disparity-money-knot,
and playing and working towards
the manifestation of enjoyment-in-abundance,
then this webinar is for you.
Or just go to Liz's site and read for yourself
the miracles she is helping people to bring about!
Here is the link to the webinar...
May your life and the lives of all
be blest with wonderful Abundance
in every aspect!
John O
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Ordination/Priesting of Women and Pope Benedict
Pope Benedict has declared
the Ordination of Women
the Ordination of Women
by Roman Catholic Bishops
a crime comparable to
a crime comparable to
by Catholic priests!
Any bishop who dares flout this papal declaration
will be referred to the modern-day version of
for "punishment."
For one independent bishop
this has been just "too much."
Following his conscience
he has taken a drastic step.
For one independent bishop
this has been just "too much."
Following his conscience
he has taken a drastic step.
This is not just of general interest to me.
Helen is in discernment process towards priesthood,
and I am studying to become a priest
in the independent ("heretical") lineage
led by this bishop, Bishop Keizer.
Bishop Keizer's action
with the support of his fellow bishops
though perhaps seemingly insignificant on the world stage
is courageous, and full of spiritual power.
May God keep him safe from all forms of harm
Helen is in discernment process towards priesthood,
and I am studying to become a priest
in the independent ("heretical") lineage
led by this bishop, Bishop Keizer.
Bishop Keizer's action
with the support of his fellow bishops
though perhaps seemingly insignificant on the world stage
is courageous, and full of spiritual power.
The Inquisition's ways
of dealing with heretics
- even those who are "outside"
the walls of its own church -
are well-known;
the walls of its own church -
are well-known;
Bishop Keizer is worthy of
our deepest prayers
and support.
May God keep him safe from all forms of harm
and increase in him the Holiest Spirit
of Wisdom, Courage, Peace and his soul's Passion.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Flowers of the Beauty of Summer, the Mexican Gulf Disaster and God's Power in us
In the Old Testament there is a striking passage
from the prophet Habbakuk,
which in its setting by CV Stanford seems to me
to bring the worlds together and
demand of us that we take our God-powers seriously
and in fervent prayer and absolute 3-D determination
reclaim our respect for and co-operation with Earth.
Here is the link ..
the sheet music and the piece
sung with vibrant passion...
I feel the "Lord" in my cells, in my bones
and ready to spring me into action
way beyond what I ever thought possible.
Miracle Time!
And here below is the text:
John O
- For lo I raise up that bitter and hasty nation,
- Which march thro' the breadth of the earth,
- To possess the dwelling places that are not theirs.
- They are terrible and dreadful,
- Their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves.
- Their horses also are swifter than leopards,
- And are more fierce than the evening wolves.
- And their horsemen spread themselves,
- Yea, their horsemen come from far.
- They fly as an eagle that hasteth to devour,
- They come all of them for violence;
- Their faces are set as the east-wind,
- And they gather captives as the sand.
- Yea, he scoffeth at kings,
- And princes are a derision unto him.
- For he heapeth up dust and taketh it.
- Then shall he sweep by as a wind that shall pass over,
- And be guilty,
- Even he, whose might is his God.
- Art not Thou from everlasting,
- O Lord, my God, mine Holy One?
- We shall not die.
- O Lord, thou hast ordained him for judgment,
- And thou, O Rock hast established him for correction.
- I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower,
- And look forth to see what he will say to me,
- And what I shall answer concerning my complaint.
- And the Lord answered me and said:
- The vision is yet for the appointed time,
- And it hasteth toward the end, and shall not lie,
- Tho' it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come.
- For the earth shall be filled
- with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,
- As the waters cover the sea.
- But the Lord is in his holy temple:
- Let all the earth keep silence before Him.The Awesomeness of Creation!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Ascension Day
As readers of this blog may know
Ascension Day (this year 13th May)
is one of my favourite days ..
It celebrates in Christian tradition
the lifting up - through the cloud into "Heaven" -
of the Risen Christ, 40 days after Resurrection.
The Ascension of Jesus (from Wikipedia)
Though this event in itself is full
of meaning and mystical experience,
there are also deeper, esoteric meanings
which I feel are important for
personal and global community transformation.
Among these are the parallels with the Microcosmic Orbit
- the inner which reflects the outer.
One of the most important aspects of Christianity
is God's incarnation (flesh-becoming) in Jesus.
This represents the Enfleshment of Absolute Divinity,
which, in the human experience of Jesus
eventually led to a horrific death, and,
in the words of the Apostles' Creed,
the after-death experience of the descent into Hell!
(Something for those scared by Christian fundamentalists
to take great comfort from!)
This descent into Hell is then transmuted into
Rebirth through Resurrection, and, eventually,
into the taking up of all aspects of human life
back into the "Heavenly realms" -
presumably with an amazing, cosmic party,
to celebrate the Homecoming of the Beloved,
and the re-connection, in all dimensions and
at all levels of all life, of divine energy everywhere!
The Microcosmic Orbit invites us to remember
in our own bodies the reality of connection,
and the absolute Reality of our resting in God
in everything which happens to us at every level
of experience!
Let us celebrate and enjoy this feast-day,
for it is a mirror of the way we are all woven together
in the vibration of God, down and up, all at once!
In love, gratitude and vibrating truth
John O
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Tantric Wisdom of Volcanic Life
Eyjafjallajökull has brought in its wake
everything from magnificent images to
disturbing stories and pictures of
a dark, airless, frightening world where
frustration over changed travel plans
and having to wait without being told anything
could be the least of our worries.
As with events like those of September 2001,
Doomsday TV-talk and futuristic Armageddon-type movies
suddenly start coming to life in the midst of
our ordinary "safe" reality, showing us
not just our human vulnerability and smallness,
but the transient nature of the Earth-system
upon which all our lives seem to be dependent.
And for those of us who have been exploring
Self-realization or esoteric paths to other realities,
and are accustomed to practices which can attract
powerful personal change for ourselves and others,
such events cut to the core of our supposed Knowing.
They also prompt deep questions about our attempts
to change the course of the events of our lives -
Television newscasting is something I avoid as much as possible,
but I've been finding myself following volcanic ash updates
and the personal testimonies of reporters and travellers,
etching extraordinary stories and pictures on my mind.
And once again the same realization has become apparent -
in some way it seems NECESSARY for humans to experience
extraordinary events which turn ordinary life upside down,
in order for our deeper humanity and humility to break through.
Another realization, which comes over time as events unfold,
is that the GIFTS of these events in so many ways outweigh
the discomfort, distress and possible long-term desolation
which they bring; we are "forced" back into human connection
and into connection with the world we live in day-by-day.
And we cannot avoid the questions of our own empowerment
in the wider context of the ways the Universe has
its very own Agenda, and Reason and Ways of Being,
in a drama in which WE are NOT the leading character!
Which brings me back to the title of this blog:
The Tantric Wisdom of Volcanic Life
The ancient art of Tantra is about the weave of EVERYTHING -
nothing left out!
Our modern life is mainly about the complete opposite -
the SEPARATION of everything, and especially of people
into "life-boxes" disconnected from one another.
But when erupting volcanoes or crashing aircraft or Death
break into our self-protected world, turning it upside down,
our boxes crumple and our fellow-human-ness comes back.
Tantra is also about the deepest of Presence, one with another.
Suppose we each were to start practising that deepest Presence
with one another NOW, in widening areas of our lives, so that
we began to re-connect more and more to the Weave of Life;
maybe we would need physically to travel less, and more
would engage in mutual journeys into one another's human-ness;
and maybe we would be less appalled at our own vulnerability
when the ever-changing Nature of Life surprised us.
And maybe, just as in deep Tantric practice, we would learn
to Ride the Wave of Existence, unshielded and expectant,
like those extraordinary "extreme sport" surfboarders
revelling in rough seas. How passionate and alive!
In this "being-with-what-unfolds"-learning to ride, there is
deep, divine empowerment, and amazing excitement and fun.
Time to learn the Art of Receiving!
John O
everything from magnificent images to
disturbing stories and pictures of
a dark, airless, frightening world where
frustration over changed travel plans
and having to wait without being told anything
could be the least of our worries.
As with events like those of September 2001,
Doomsday TV-talk and futuristic Armageddon-type movies
suddenly start coming to life in the midst of
our ordinary "safe" reality, showing us
not just our human vulnerability and smallness,
but the transient nature of the Earth-system
upon which all our lives seem to be dependent.
And for those of us who have been exploring
Self-realization or esoteric paths to other realities,
and are accustomed to practices which can attract
powerful personal change for ourselves and others,
such events cut to the core of our supposed Knowing.
They also prompt deep questions about our attempts
to change the course of the events of our lives -
What is the wider picture?
What will the things I do have for effect on others?
What is the extent I can play God?
What will the things I do have for effect on others?
What is the extent I can play God?
Television newscasting is something I avoid as much as possible,
but I've been finding myself following volcanic ash updates
and the personal testimonies of reporters and travellers,
etching extraordinary stories and pictures on my mind.
And once again the same realization has become apparent -
in some way it seems NECESSARY for humans to experience
extraordinary events which turn ordinary life upside down,
in order for our deeper humanity and humility to break through.
Another realization, which comes over time as events unfold,
is that the GIFTS of these events in so many ways outweigh
the discomfort, distress and possible long-term desolation
which they bring; we are "forced" back into human connection
and into connection with the world we live in day-by-day.
And we cannot avoid the questions of our own empowerment
in the wider context of the ways the Universe has
its very own Agenda, and Reason and Ways of Being,
in a drama in which WE are NOT the leading character!
Which brings me back to the title of this blog:
The Tantric Wisdom of Volcanic Life
The ancient art of Tantra is about the weave of EVERYTHING -
nothing left out!
Our modern life is mainly about the complete opposite -
the SEPARATION of everything, and especially of people
into "life-boxes" disconnected from one another.
But when erupting volcanoes or crashing aircraft or Death
break into our self-protected world, turning it upside down,
our boxes crumple and our fellow-human-ness comes back.
Tantra is also about the deepest of Presence, one with another.
Suppose we each were to start practising that deepest Presence
with one another NOW, in widening areas of our lives, so that
we began to re-connect more and more to the Weave of Life;
maybe we would need physically to travel less, and more
would engage in mutual journeys into one another's human-ness;
and maybe we would be less appalled at our own vulnerability
when the ever-changing Nature of Life surprised us.
And maybe, just as in deep Tantric practice, we would learn
to Ride the Wave of Existence, unshielded and expectant,
like those extraordinary "extreme sport" surfboarders
revelling in rough seas. How passionate and alive!
Picture from Wikipedia
In this "being-with-what-unfolds"-learning to ride, there is
deep, divine empowerment, and amazing excitement and fun.
Time to learn the Art of Receiving!
John O
More eruption images here
Sunday, March 7, 2010

I have never considered that "looking back"
and longing for former times, was a particularly
constructive occupation in life. But quite often
I have caught myself "trying to work things out"..
- Why did X happen?
- What was the "point" of that?
and similar questions.
After all, learning from the past is a very useful thing,
especially if we wish to transform our lives!
The past few weeks I've found myself looking backwards again,
this time (I hope) from a deeper level of awareness;
partly in order to take a renewed look at
the possible wisdom past experiences may have for me
from another vantage-point in my own space-time,
and partly to re-visit my own resurrected memories
in the light of what I have been studying recently -
an eclectic mix of everything from String Theory,
Kabala & the Essenes via David Wilcock & Gregg Braden,
to movements within Anglican Christendom like
the formation of The Anglican Church in North America,
and how all of these experiences together might
connect with my immersion in the Anglo-Catholicism
of the churches I was so intimately part of in my youth.
this curious title for a blog entry:
I was immediately triggered into action!
Following the links I found a striking book-title,
a book that turned out to be available for download
as a pdf:
The Church Impotent:
The Feminization of Christianity
Leon J Podles
Strange feelings in my stomach - I just had to start reading this!!!
As it turned out, the first chapter gave me
what I was unconsciously seeking -
not that I agreed with Leon Podles, but he helped me
start a process towards some kind of unifying feeling (or theory?)
that might perhaps be able to encompass the disparate
claims on my inner loyalty with regard to
I also read a paper by David Hilliard called
UnEnglish & Unmanly: Anglo-Catholicism & Homosexuality
and found myself suddenly understanding hitherto
half-veiled aspects of my childhood's church experiences -
the sacred crucible which intertwined with my own
unbridled inner imaginative childhood worlds.
50 years ago I was aware of sexuality between males
in these Anglo-Catholic churches, but since the world of
Church and choir-school and private school were such
enclosed spaces and, in many ways, so safe from outside harm,
it didn't feel as tho' this sexual expression was especially unnatural.
And, a few years later in private school, I noticed that
when otherwise enclosed teenage boys were "let out"
many of them "roamed the village" in search of female company!
The only people who seemed outwardly concerned that
there might be sexual goings-on between the "inmates"
were priests and teachers who the child in me felt to be
"odd in some way" - though I couldn't put my finger on
what this "oddity" might be.
What I was acutely aware of, was a feeling of the way
everyone in these enclosed worlds seemed to have
a mission to "do it better", "properly" or "more completely"
- as though the outside world of "ordinary Anglicanism"
and the "ordinary schools" didn't either know or, perhaps,
didn't wish to know the deeper truths of what they were doing,
and the "proper practices" (like in the esoteric societies)
which were the portals into the veiled worlds of truth "beyond."
When I read David Hillard's paper, I was immediately
struck by an extraordinary paradox which I so recognized
but had forgotten beneath piles of "ordinary living."
The paradox was that of the genuine male homosexual Christian
who fled to and immersed himself in the rituals and faith-life
of a church which held that almost all forms of sexuality
were forbidden by God except in child-bearing marriage.
Because their YEARNING was given space to grow among
accepting others who were in exactly the same predicament.
And more, there was a place to sublimate this yearning in the
ever-increasing ecstasy in the ritual service of God
where the music and ceremonies, the smells and postures,
the incantations and processions and bowings and knee-bending
allowed the BODY to experience Divine Bliss here and now!
I can assure anyone who doesn't know what this feels like
that real Anglo-Catholic Divine Worship experience can be
as ecstatic an experience as any sexual orgasm!
(It isn't just the charismatic fundamentalists who "know" this!)
These experiences are "mystical states" just like the
medieval mystic saints write of (especially the women!)
Here we're experiencing Divine Comm-union with God.
I have often wondered what the real reason was
for the "high church" factions of Anglicanism to reject
the idea of male-female equality within the priesthood.
Claiming that Jesus only had 12 male disciples,
when the women round him had such a prominent role,
does not really sound or feel totally genuine.
It was recently, when the Church of England decided
that women were to be eligible also to become Bishops,
that I suddenly understood the deeper unspoken reason
for the mass desperation among "orthodox" Anglo-Catholics.
And this, in turn, meant nowhere to go to express or sublimate
the inner yearning to do it better with every fibre of one's body!
After 30 years in Sweden, I know may women who are priests -
and now in both the Anglican and Lutheran churches.
Many of them are, in my humble opinion, far more suited
to their ministry than some of the male priests I know,
and I believe deeply that they have been called by God.
Yet I mourn the marginalising of the male Anglo-Catholic sanctuary.
I do not believe that the traditional view of sexuality held
by the churches (almost certainly because of St Paul's
self-attested control and self-denial of his own sexuality)
is in true accordance with God's wider vision and wisdom.
Yet I mourn the taking-away of the excitement and vibration
of places where a specific and very special longing to "keep chaste"
in total acknowledgement of one's sexuality, may be honoured
and its energy formed into something even greater -
the opportunity to taste and know the Divine in ritual worship.
Yes - "know" God in the "biblical sense"!
Single-mindedness and focus (however often one may fail,
or fall "into temptation" to give up and give in) are not
easy virtues to live up to, outside in a seemingly hostile world,
when one is accustomed to a safe church other-wordly haven.
Deep down I feel deep admiration for those who will not move
from their conviction, even if it means losing jobs or "having to"
change churches to find a second home. And I must express
gratitude to them for their part in my own mystical experiences.
If you've read this far, you may be wondering how this all
relates to David Willcock and Nityama and Gregg Braden,
and to modern astrophysics as in String Theory.
The key to this is the 2012 Myth.
No, not "myth as in untruth" but
"Myth as a tool for deep alchemical storytelling"
where, the unravelling and knowing of ever-deepening truth
not just in one's mind but inside one's body,
at the same time as becoming more and more "divine"
is living-life-as-a-ceremony-of-connectedness-with-God
as it becomes totally transformed and new and fulfilled.
And this is exactly what my childhood Anglo-Catholic friends
were tasting the first-fruits of, and longing for
at ever deeper levels!
I will explain in the next blog-post.
The Feminization of Christianity
Leon J Podles
Strange feelings in my stomach - I just had to start reading this!!!
As it turned out, the first chapter gave me
what I was unconsciously seeking -
not that I agreed with Leon Podles, but he helped me
start a process towards some kind of unifying feeling (or theory?)
that might perhaps be able to encompass the disparate
claims on my inner loyalty with regard to
- deeply sacred liturgy connecting time and space
( or shamanic ancestral lineage and tradition - if you will)
- affirming sexual difference while embracing
the Oneness and utter Validity of all genders
(One of Shantam Nityama's constant themes)
- understanding the social conditioning which may have
influenced my "choice" of Life Purpose
(see )
- my preoccupation with both the body and
the non-physical as equal spiritual dimensions
(rather than the current mind-preocupation "over" the body.)
( or shamanic ancestral lineage and tradition - if you will)
- affirming sexual difference while embracing
the Oneness and utter Validity of all genders
(One of Shantam Nityama's constant themes)
- understanding the social conditioning which may have
influenced my "choice" of Life Purpose
(see )
- my preoccupation with both the body and
the non-physical as equal spiritual dimensions
(rather than the current mind-preocupation "over" the body.)
I also read a paper by David Hilliard called
UnEnglish & Unmanly: Anglo-Catholicism & Homosexuality
and found myself suddenly understanding hitherto
half-veiled aspects of my childhood's church experiences -
the sacred crucible which intertwined with my own
unbridled inner imaginative childhood worlds.
50 years ago I was aware of sexuality between males
in these Anglo-Catholic churches, but since the world of
Church and choir-school and private school were such
enclosed spaces and, in many ways, so safe from outside harm,
it didn't feel as tho' this sexual expression was especially unnatural.
And, a few years later in private school, I noticed that
when otherwise enclosed teenage boys were "let out"
many of them "roamed the village" in search of female company!
The only people who seemed outwardly concerned that
there might be sexual goings-on between the "inmates"
were priests and teachers who the child in me felt to be
"odd in some way" - though I couldn't put my finger on
what this "oddity" might be.
What I was acutely aware of, was a feeling of the way
everyone in these enclosed worlds seemed to have
a mission to "do it better", "properly" or "more completely"
- as though the outside world of "ordinary Anglicanism"
and the "ordinary schools" didn't either know or, perhaps,
didn't wish to know the deeper truths of what they were doing,
and the "proper practices" (like in the esoteric societies)
which were the portals into the veiled worlds of truth "beyond."
When I read David Hillard's paper, I was immediately
struck by an extraordinary paradox which I so recognized
but had forgotten beneath piles of "ordinary living."
The paradox was that of the genuine male homosexual Christian
who fled to and immersed himself in the rituals and faith-life
of a church which held that almost all forms of sexuality
were forbidden by God except in child-bearing marriage.
Because their YEARNING was given space to grow among
accepting others who were in exactly the same predicament.
And more, there was a place to sublimate this yearning in the
ever-increasing ecstasy in the ritual service of God
where the music and ceremonies, the smells and postures,
the incantations and processions and bowings and knee-bending
allowed the BODY to experience Divine Bliss here and now!
I can assure anyone who doesn't know what this feels like
that real Anglo-Catholic Divine Worship experience can be
as ecstatic an experience as any sexual orgasm!
(It isn't just the charismatic fundamentalists who "know" this!)
These experiences are "mystical states" just like the
medieval mystic saints write of (especially the women!)
Here we're experiencing Divine Comm-union with God.
I have often wondered what the real reason was
for the "high church" factions of Anglicanism to reject
the idea of male-female equality within the priesthood.
Claiming that Jesus only had 12 male disciples,
when the women round him had such a prominent role,
does not really sound or feel totally genuine.
It was recently, when the Church of England decided
that women were to be eligible also to become Bishops,
that I suddenly understood the deeper unspoken reason
for the mass desperation among "orthodox" Anglo-Catholics.
Their beloved safe havens were no longer "safe"!
And this, in turn, meant nowhere to go to express or sublimate
the inner yearning to do it better with every fibre of one's body!
After 30 years in Sweden, I know may women who are priests -
and now in both the Anglican and Lutheran churches.
Many of them are, in my humble opinion, far more suited
to their ministry than some of the male priests I know,
and I believe deeply that they have been called by God.
Yet I mourn the marginalising of the male Anglo-Catholic sanctuary.
I do not believe that the traditional view of sexuality held
by the churches (almost certainly because of St Paul's
self-attested control and self-denial of his own sexuality)
is in true accordance with God's wider vision and wisdom.
Yet I mourn the taking-away of the excitement and vibration
of places where a specific and very special longing to "keep chaste"
in total acknowledgement of one's sexuality, may be honoured
and its energy formed into something even greater -
the opportunity to taste and know the Divine in ritual worship.
Yes - "know" God in the "biblical sense"!
Single-mindedness and focus (however often one may fail,
or fall "into temptation" to give up and give in) are not
easy virtues to live up to, outside in a seemingly hostile world,
when one is accustomed to a safe church other-wordly haven.
Deep down I feel deep admiration for those who will not move
from their conviction, even if it means losing jobs or "having to"
change churches to find a second home. And I must express
gratitude to them for their part in my own mystical experiences.
If you've read this far, you may be wondering how this all
relates to David Willcock and Nityama and Gregg Braden,
and to modern astrophysics as in String Theory.
The key to this is the 2012 Myth.
No, not "myth as in untruth" but
"Myth as a tool for deep alchemical storytelling"
where, the unravelling and knowing of ever-deepening truth
not just in one's mind but inside one's body,
at the same time as becoming more and more "divine"
is living-life-as-a-ceremony-of-connectedness-with-God
as it becomes totally transformed and new and fulfilled.
And this is exactly what my childhood Anglo-Catholic friends
were tasting the first-fruits of, and longing for
at ever deeper levels!
I will explain in the next blog-post.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
In Alignment with God
I've posted a new post on the "Cretan blog"
About living and playing in alignment with God.
It's here.
John O
About living and playing in alignment with God.
It's here.

Friday, January 8, 2010
Hello again!
I would like to share some thoughts
brought on by my European journeys
of the past few months.
They are being posted on my Crete blog
And, rather belated ...
a HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL of you!
Love n' Blessings
John O
PS This is what I look like when I'm AWAKE!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
a picture
says more than
a thousand words.
I Am Here
(as always!)
And yet, still arriving.
More on this space, soon
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