.....and my "job" is
"to get out of the way enough"
to be able to hear what
I'm being asked to do
Since Christal Temple's celebration5 weeks ago in the yurt on Maplewood Hill,there have been many small, private gatheringsof some of us who regularly take partin our community Divine Communion.We have come together to do personal work -many different kinds of transformation -where the personal needs of each of us as"independent beings" have been shown to bevariations of deeper stories which turn outto be our common thread, past and present.That which we thought was just our ownchallenge or problem or need, seems nowalways to be mirrored in those we meet.Was it always so
and we didn't notice?
Or is this a confirmation
of the coming-closer which
is now manifesting clearly ...
the lifting of the veils of
the separation illusion?
I have spent some time the past monthlooking into passive residual income.Faced with a seemingly inexhaustible number ofwebsites offering "the newest, best and mostsecret way" of becoming financially plentiful,(often at the manipulative "expense" of others,)I have tried to sift for a sense of deeper Truthand compassionately generous Vision in thosewho would enroll me in their schemes.I have been surprised to find among these sites,(so many of which play to the desperation ofpeople caught in a recession that they fear will getvery much worse before it - if ever - stabilizes,)nuggets of divine, alchemical gold with visionsnot just of a world in which more people can"get more" but also where the spiritual natureof our existence and its value is integrated intothe expressed vision and commitment.Instead of coming from a space of fear and lack,there is an invitation to share Abundance.In a few, this is clearly-spoken; the understandingof shared joy and abundance as a pre-requisiteto allow any type of business/economic dealing toflourish - now and for the future.(For more on this, see my Abundance blog.)What has this to do with "the Plan" andwith our small, transformational meetings?I am becoming increasingly aware that theParadigm Shift is not the domain of the few -the self-proclaimed enlightened ones - but adivinely-inspired phenomenon which cuts acrossour limited human religious, economic, artistic,left vs right, "real"-life vs "spiritual life" boxes.We don't have to be mystics or recluses or"deniers of 3D-reality" to access that voice -
in fact the "normal" processes of human growthin seemingly spiritual deserts (like much of thebusiness world may appear to the "spiritual")is just the space where the Spirit thrives,making of joyful and collaborative marketing aholy space where the divine is easily seen andexperienced, and where people are honoured.Those successful marketeers, many of whomnow use their profits to fund specific projects inwar-torn places of despair and drought, seemto give themselves time to be led, to be shown.Most of them write about how they toiled andworked, only to find that easy, lasting successjust evaded them. They wanted to give up.And then the "miracle" happened, they sawthe Light, or met someone and their lifeand enterprise were changed, transformed.What happened?I believe it was, in each case, that theyadmitted fully where they really were,they accepted the limited and limitingearthbound truth of their situation in
all its parts, however uncomfortable.In short, they surrendered to "What Is."By doing this, they allowed the connection tothat deeper Truth which brought the "miracle"into their lives.They aligned with the Plan!(Actually, it is not always necessary to have a life-shattering experience to be able to hear and be at one with that Inner Inspiration!But it often helps the process, especially ifone is stubbornly into the negative self-talkwhich crowds out the still, small Voice!)In my musical life, I have an experiencewhich happens again and again when I practise.I come to a place where I can nearly play thepiece of music, but can't really "get it together."Often I forget the divine process and try tostick it out, just practising more and more, andgetting increasingly frustrated and angry!It takes courage to surrender to What-Is,especially when there's a concert coming up.But if I don't surrender, I just don't "get it"!When I do surrender, allowing myself to wait,the piece comes together in its own time,funnily enough, always in time for the concert,and I play better than I have played it whileI was "practising"!What we have done in those small groups Iwrote about at the beginning of this piece,is increasingly to allow the inspiration ofwhere we are being led to inform us andwhat we do, therapeutically and ritually.I feel we have been enabled to do this bythe practice we have previously undertaken.In other words, practice is in my experiencea pre-requisite for receiving inspirationthrough surrender and allowing it totake root practically in our work.In this way, I feel that we have empoweredourselves to "get out of the way" and letGod, and the Divine Plan, flow in us.
And what are the marketeers showing us?
That the Plan really works, not least
in Earthly terms as well as "Heavenly" ones!
Turns our self-imposed distinctions of
what is Earthly and what is Spiritual
on their head, does it not?!!!!
The question arises:
How do we know
when it is time to
and when time to
surrender and
let go?
Ah!BlessingsJohn O